Lindsay is a brilliant translator of inchoate spiritual longings into actual upholstery-and-enamel rooms. So if you tell her, I need a room where my family can relax in one half, then do homework over at the table and if it can all feel like a happy, comfortable and chic slice of Slim Keith’s penthouse, she is going to surprise you with how expertly she satisfies all these desires. She’s great at maximizing a budget and has a skilled team of artisans that quickly and expertly build, upholster and craft whatever can’t be sourced from her industry-wide vendor connections. Best of all, she treads the line between current interior styles and classic good taste to create spaces that we’ll be happy to see in family photos for years to come. P.S. If you get a chance to shop with her, go . . . you’ll never look at an antiques or vintage shop the same way again.
— Dana